Press Policy

Updated: 30 July 2019

Due to the “Chatham House Rules” / Off-The-Record nature of our talks we do NOT permit those with press passes to attend our talks. Anyone found to be attending while wearing a press pass will be removed from the room and immediately reported to BSides LV.

We ask you to reach out to us (@dcskytalks or if you wish to connect with a speaker. We have asked all speakers in advance if they wish to talk to the press and will connect you with them if they have stated they are willing to talk to the press (outside of the Skytalks area).

Violations of our press policy – either through physically showing up in the Skytalks space as an attendee or reporting on specifics of the content of talks without the consent of our speakers – will be reported to BSidesLV and may result in a revocation of your press credentials and other things as BSidesLV decides.